var label_on = 'On'; var label_connectivity_test = 'Test this device'; var label_connectivity_device = 'Device test'; var label_action = 'Action'; var label_event = 'Event'; var label_renew = 'Renew'; var label_no_bat = 'No Bat.'; var label_ok = 'OK'; var label_to = 'to'; var label_for = 'for'; var label_currency = '$'; var label_plan = 'Plan'; var label_offer = 'Offer'; var label_off = 'Off'; var label_buy = 'Buy'; var label_submit = 'Submit'; var label_export = 'Export'; var label_done = 'Done'; var label_1_month = '1 month '; var label_empty = 'Empty'; var label_name = 'Name'; var label_add = 'Add'; var label_confirm = 'Confirm'; var label_upgrade = 'Upgrade'; var label_cancel = 'Cancel'; var label_refresh = 'Refresh'; var label_next = 'Next'; var label_return = 'Back'; var label_today = 'Today'; var label_retry = 'Retry'; var label_change_settings = 'Change settings'; var label_wifi = 'Wi-Fi'; var label_advance_settings = 'Advanced settings'; var label_consumption = 'Consumption'; var label_timeout_msg = 'Your request has been taking too long'; var label_subscription_ended_line1 = 'Your account is no longer valid.'; var label_subscription_ended_line2 = 'To continue using the service, please renew your subscription.'; var label_popup_error_title = 'Error'; var label_popup_warning_title = 'Attention'; var label_popup_ok_title = 'Success'; var label_popup_confirm_title = 'Confirmation'; var label_popup_yes = 'Yes'; var label_popup_no = 'No'; var label_load_more = 'Load more events'; var label_removed = 'Removed'; var label_camera = 'Camera'; var label_ivr_account_test = 'Test this account'; var label_ivr_account_test_ok = 'IVR login account is valid.'; var label_ivr_account_test_failed = 'IVR login account is invalid.'; var label_ivr_login = 'IVR Login'; var label_ivr_please_input_password = 'Please input password'; var label_confirm_agreement = 'Please agree the "Terms of use and Privacy policy" to continue log in.'; var label_reload = 'Reload'; var label_expire_after = 'Expire after:'; var label_idm_automation_not_access_pages = 'This feature is available with the automation or combined plans.'; var label_idm_security_not_access_pages = 'This feature is available with the security or combined plans.'; var label_idm_purchase_history = 'Purchase history'; var label_idm_available_packs = 'Available package'; var label_idm_next_offer = 'Your new offer'; var label_idm_will_start_at = 'will start on'; var label_account_submit_voucher = 'Submit'; var label_or = 'Or'; var label_account_personal_info = 'Personal info'; var label_account_your_offer = 'Your plan:'; var label_account_change_to = 'Change to:'; var label_account_change_plan = 'Change plan'; var label_account_use_voucher = 'Please enter voucher code:'; var label_account_free = 'Free'; var label_account_your_previous_vouchers = 'Your previous vouchers'; var label_account_no_purchase_history = 'No history'; var label_account_get_more_credit = 'Online Payment'; var label_account_choose_preferred_payment_method = 'Choose your preferred payment method'; var label_account_choose_payment_bundle_information = 'You want to recharge your account with vouchers ? If you have a voucher, click on prepaid voucher link or CB Payment to buy one'; var label_account_auto_renew_information = 'If you wish to activate auto reload for your account, please download and fill this form'; var label_account_renew_form = 'Auto reload form'; var label_account_return_to_account = 'Return to my account'; var label_account_current_credit_will_expire = 'Credits going to expire:'; var label_account_current_credit_has_expired = 'Credit has expired:'; var label_account_voucher_same_plan = 'You are about to add 30 days to your {0} plan.'; var label_account_voucher_upgrade_plan = 'Your account will be upgraded to the {0} plan.'; var label_account_voucher_downgrade_plan = 'Your account will be downgraded to the {0} plan.'; var label_account_voucher_nok_plan = 'One or more vouchers are pending in the queue. Please contact Customer Service.'; var label_account_effective_date = 'Effective date:'; var label_network_name = 'Wi-Fi SSID'; var label_configure_wifi = 'Configure Wi-Fi'; var label_passphrase = 'Wi-Fi password'; var label_network_near = 'Wi-Fi SSID'; var label_network_wifi_security = 'Wi-Fi security mode'; var label_wifi_encryption = 'Wi-Fi encryption'; var label_error_when_wifi_scan = 'An error is occured when scanning network'; var label_refresh_scan = 'Rescan Wi-Fi network'; var label_wifi_open = 'Open'; var label_wifi_wep = 'WEP'; var label_wifi_wpa = 'WPA'; var label_wifi_wpa2 = 'WPA2'; var label_wifi_none = 'None'; var label_wifi_wep64 = 'WEP 64 bits'; var label_wifi_wep168 = 'WEP 128 bits'; var label_wifi_tkip = 'TKIP'; var label_wifi_aes = 'AES'; var label_camera_step_1_connect_eth = '1. Connect your camera to Internet router with Ethernet cable.'; var label_camera_step_2_plug_power = '2. Power on the camera.'; var label_camera_wifi_settings_success = 'Wi-Fi is successfully configured.'; var label_camera_test_camera_connectivity = 'We will now test your camera\'s connectivity, it might take up to 3 minutes.'; var label_camera_unplug_eth = 'Please now unplug the Ethernet cable.'; var label_camera_connected_congrat = 'Your camera is now connected to Wi-Fi '; var label_camera_error_wifi_settings = 'Your Wi-Fi settings is incorrect.'; var label_camera_error_wifi_settings2 = 'Your camera is still connected with an Ethernet cable.'; var label_camera_connectivity = 'Camera Connectivity'; var label_gateway_connectivity = 'Gateway Connectivity'; var label_gateway_wifi_settings_success = 'Wi-Fi is successfully configured.'; var label_gateway_test_gateway_connectivity = 'We are going to test your gateway\'s connectivity, it might take up to 3 minutes.'; var label_gateway_unplug_eth = 'Please now unplug the Ethernet cable.'; var label_gateway_connected_congrat = 'Your gateway is now connected to Wi-Fi '; var label_gateway_error_wifi_settings = 'Your Wi-Fi settings is incorrect.'; var label_gateway_error_wifi_settings2 = 'Your gateway is still connected with an Ethernet cable.'; var label_schedule = 'Schedule'; var label_enable_schedule = 'Enable schedule'; var label_schedule_help1 = 'Choose an alarm state : '; var label_schedule_help2 = 'Repeat'; var label_pick_date = 'Please pick a date.'; var label_schedule_overlapping_help1 = 'Your are trying to add this new event : '; var label_schedule_overlapping_help1m = 'Your are trying to modify this new event : '; var label_schedule_overlapping_help1r = 'Your are trying to restore this new event :'; var label_schedule_overlapping_help1d = 'Your are trying to restore this instance of a recurring event :'; var label_schedule_overlapping_help2 = 'But it will overlap the following events :'; var label_schedule_overlapping_help3 = 'You can remove some of them now if needed.'; var label_schedule_overlapping_help4 = 'You should retry with different settings.'; var label_no_schedules = 'No schedules for this week'; var label_hour = 'H'; var label_mins = 'M'; var label_arm = 'Arm'; var label_disarm = 'Disarm'; var label_partarm1 = 'Partial Arm 1'; var label_partarm2 = 'Partial Arm 2'; var label_alarm_mode = 'Alarm mode'; var label_confirmSystemUpdate = 'Do you really want to rename this device ?'; var label_confirm_video_delete = 'Do you really want to delete this video ?'; var label_confirm_device_delete = 'Do you really want to delete this device ?'; var label_confirm_camera_delete = 'Do you really want to delete this camera/IVR ?'; var label_confirm_camera_delete1 = 'All the recorded videos saved in cloud will be removed!'; var label_confirm_code_delete = 'Do you really want to remove this code ?'; var label_confirm_scene_delete = 'Do you really want to delete this scene ?'; var label_confirm_schedule_delete = 'Do you really want to delete this scenario ?'; var label_confirm_gateway_delete = 'If you want to delete this gateway, please remove the camera first. '; var label_confirm_add_scene = 'Do you really want to create a scenario ?'; var label_confirm_package_purhased = 'Do you really want to buy a package'; var label_download_video = 'Download video'; var label_days = 'And only on the following selected days :'; var label_sunday = 'Sunday'; var label_monday = 'Monday'; var label_tuesday = 'Tuesday'; var label_wednesday = 'Wednesday'; var label_thursday = 'Thursday'; var label_friday = 'Friday'; var label_saturday = 'Saturday'; var label_day_su = 'Sun'; var label_day_mo = 'Mon'; var label_day_tu = 'Tue'; var label_day_we = 'Wed'; var label_day_th = 'Thu'; var label_day_fr = 'Fri'; var label_day_sa = 'Sat'; var label_january = 'January'; var label_february = 'February'; var label_march = 'March'; var label_april = 'April'; var label_may = 'May'; var label_june = 'June'; var label_july = 'July'; var label_august = 'August'; var label_september = 'September'; var label_october = 'October'; var label_november = 'November'; var label_december = 'December'; var label_msg_alert_canceled = 'Canceled by'; var label_msg_no_alert = 'You did not receive any security alert from your system last month.'; var label_msg_no_camera = 'You don\'t have any camera connected to this system.'; var label_msg_no_video = 'There is no video recorded last month.'; var label_msg_no_automation = 'You don\'t have any automation device connected to this system.'; var label_msg_no_ircontroler = 'You don\'t have any IR controller connected to this system.'; var label_msg_no_comfort = 'You don\'t have any comfort device connected to this system.'; var label_msg_alert_duration_title = 'Duration : '; var label_msg_alert_recipientTitle = 'Alert recipients'; var label_msg_alert_notificationSend = 'The notification was sent at'; var label_msg_alert_notificationRead = 'The notification was read at'; var label_msg_log_noFilter = 'No Filter'; var label_pir_sensitivity_level = 'PIR Sensitivity level : '; var label_not_connected = 'Disconnected'; var label_connected = 'Connected'; var label_not_used = 'Not used'; var label_modem_not_found = 'Modem not detected'; var label_modem_no_sim = 'SIM card not detected'; var label_modem_unknown = 'Unknown error'; var label_modem_puk = 'SIM card will be locked after 3 failed PIN attempts'; var label_device_name = 'Name : '; var label_bat_life = 'Battery life'; var label_bat_charging = 'Charging'; var label_mute_siren = 'Mute siren buzzer'; var label_unmute_siren = 'Enable siren buzzer'; var label_siren_muted = 'Mute'; var label_siren_active = 'Active'; var label_add_new_device = 'Add a new device'; var label_setting_outcall = 'Phone Call'; var label_setting_sms = 'SMS'; var label_setting_none = 'None'; var label_setting_mobile_num = 'Mobile number : '; var label_setting_phone_num = 'Phone number : '; var label_setting_email_addr = 'Email address : '; var label_setting_gateway_name = 'Gateway name : '; var label_network_settings = 'Network settings'; var label_setting_menu_account = 'Account'; var label_setting_menu_system = 'System'; var label_setting_menu_application = 'Application'; var label_setting_menu_video = 'Video'; var label_setting_menu_alerts = 'Alerts'; var label_setting_menu_schedule = 'Schedule'; var label_setting_menu_security = 'Security'; var label_setting_menu_myGateways = 'My Gateways'; var label_setting_menu_prealarm = 'Pre-alarm'; var label_setting_desc_account = 'Modify your details'; var label_setting_desc_idm_account = 'Manage your account'; var label_setting_desc_system = 'Customize gateway name and alarm settings'; var label_setting_desc_application = 'App preferences'; var label_setting_desc_video = 'Camera settings'; var label_setting_desc_alerts = 'Define alert recipients'; var label_setting_desc_security = 'Customize partial modes and schedule'; var label_setting_desc_myGateways = 'Add/Remove gateways'; var label_setting_desc_schedule = 'Security & automation schedule'; var label_setting_desc_prealarm = 'Customize pre-alarm settings'; var label_partarm1_mode = 'Partial arm 1 sensors'; var label_partarm2_mode = 'Partial arm 2 sensors'; var label_setting_permanant_on = 'On'; var label_setting_on = 'On'; var label_setting_off = 'Off'; var label_siren_voice_sound = 'Play voice message'; var label_siren = 'Play alarm sound'; var label_setting_video_pir_detector = 'Enable PIR Detector : '; var label_setting_video_mirror_flip = 'Enable Mirror Flip : '; var label_setting_video_continuous_recording = '24 hours continuous recording:'; var label_setting_video_pet_immune_detection = 'Pet immune detection : '; var label_setting_video_pir_sensitivity_level = 'PIR sensitivity level : '; var label_setting_video_sd_status = 'SD Card Status : '; var label_setting_account_name_title = 'Title : '; var label_setting_account_firstname = 'First name : '; var label_setting_account_lastname = 'Last name : '; var label_setting_account_company = 'Company : '; var label_setting_account_phone = 'Phone : '; var label_setting_account_mobile_phone = 'Mobile phone : '; var label_setting_account_email = 'Email : '; var label_setting_account_address_line1 = 'Address line 1 : '; var label_setting_account_address_line2 = 'Address line 2 : '; var label_setting_account_address_postcode = 'Postcode : '; var label_setting_account_address_city = 'City : '; var label_setting_account_preferred_lang = 'Preferred language : '; var label_setting_account_password = 'Password : '; var label_setting_account_login = 'Login : '; var label_setting_account_address = 'Address : '; var label_setting_account_address_country = 'Country : '; var label_overlapping_schedules = 'Overlapping schedules'; var label_automation_schedule = 'Automation schedule'; var label_start_date = 'Start date'; var label_stop_date = 'Stop date'; var label_sound_on_mode_change = 'Play sound on mode change'; var label_status_time = 'Status time'; var label_auto_remove = 'Auto remove'; var label_add_schedule = 'Add a schedule'; var label_modify_schedule = 'Modify a scheduled scenario'; var label_select_scene = 'Select a scene'; var label_every_year = 'Every year'; var label_every_month = 'Every month'; var label_every_days = 'Every day'; var label_link_scene = 'Link scene'; var label_start_time = 'Start time'; var label_on_every = 'On Every'; var label_no_reccurence = 'No'; var label_on_every_year = 'Every year'; var label_on_every_month = 'Every month'; var label_on_every_day = 'Every day'; var label_on_every_weekday = 'Every weekday'; var label_start_date_time = 'Start time'; var label_stop_date_time = 'End time'; var label_default_schedule_name = 'Schedule'; var label_arm_schedule_name = 'Arm mode'; var label_partarm1_schedule_name = 'Partial arm 1 '; var label_partarm2_schedule_name = 'Partial arm 2'; var label_security_schedule = 'Security schedule'; var label_every = 'Every'; var label_overlap_year = 'The end date should be within 1 year'; var label_overlap_month = 'The end date should be within 1 month'; var label_overlap_24hour = 'The end date should be within 24 hours'; var label_overlap_week = 'The end date should be within 1 week'; var label_change_every_recurrence = 'Modify series'; var label_change_this_recurrence = 'Modify instance'; var label_delete_every_recurrence = 'Delete series'; var label_delete_this_recurrence = 'Delete instance'; var label_restore_this_recurrence = 'Restore this recurrence'; var label_its_a_recurence_schedule = 'This is a recurring event'; var label_no_scene_selected = 'you must select a scene'; var label_execute_once_only = 'Execute once only'; var label_weekly = 'Weekly'; var label_on_which_day = 'On which day :'; var label_repeat = 'Repeat'; var label_alarm_activation_delay = 'Alarm activation delay (Sec)'; var label_alarm_alert_delay = 'Alarm alert delay (Sec)'; var label_keypad_code = 'Code'; var label_keypad_any_code = 'Any code'; var label_keypad_name = 'Name'; var label_keypad_codes = 'Keypad Codes'; var label_add_keypad_code = 'Add keypad code'; var label_max_code_created = 'You cannot create more than 5 codes'; var label_incorrect_keypad_code = 'This PIN code is incorrect. It should be 4 digits long.'; var label_setting_curtain_init = 'Curtain Initial :'; var label_curtain_type = 'Type of curtain'; var label_curtain_auto_detect_position = 'Auto detects the highest/lowest positions'; var label_time_for_turn_slats = 'Time needed for full turn of slats'; var label_calibration = 'Calibration'; var label_set = 'Set'; var label_run = 'Run'; var label_shade = 'Shade'; var label_blinds = 'Blinds'; var label_must_smaller_than_600s = 'Tilt time must be smaller than 600 seconds'; var label_process = 'Processing...'; var label_test_success = 'Success'; var label_test_fail = 'Fail'; var label_alarm_bridge_output1 = 'Output 1 Pulse'; var label_alarm_bridge_output2 = 'Output 2 Pulse'; var label_alarm_bridge_output3 = 'Output 3 Pulse'; var label_alarm_bridge_output1_title = 'Output 1 Pulse is invalid'; var label_alarm_bridge_output2_title = 'Output 2 Pulse is invalid'; var label_alarm_bridge_output3_title = 'Output 3 Pulse is invalid'; var label_miltisensor_input_1 = 'Input type 1'; var label_miltisensor_input_2 = 'Input type 2'; var label_sec = 'Sec'; var label_no_paralarm_device = 'No pre-alarm device.'; var label_push_notification = 'Push notification'; var label_add_gateway = 'Add a gateway'; var label_alert_on_scrambling = 'Detect radio interferences :'; var label_force_arm_on_warning = 'Remain system "Armed" even when door/window is not all closed.'; var label_force_arm_warning_message = 'Warrning
If active this function will bypass the device status check when entry Arm mode. Will likely result in loopholes in the protected area, service providers will not guarantee servies content and commitment. Please make sure this feature is still execute?'; var label_enter_access_code = 'Please enter your system Access Code : '; var label_found_gateway = 'A Gateway is found on your network !'; var label_found_gateways = 'Gateways are found on your network !'; var label_click_found_gateway = 'Click on a gateway to fill the access code automatically:'; var label_next_step = 'Next step'; var label_cancel_test = 'Stop testing'; var label_gateway_default_name = 'Home'; var label_reg_congrat = 'Congratulation, your security system is now registered.'; var label_reg_custom_name = 'Customize your system name (Home, Office, etc.) : '; var label_system_installation = 'System Installation'; var label_unknown_error = 'An unknown error has occurred.'; var label_testing_gateway = 'We are testing your gateway connectivity. Please wait...'; var label_gateway_test_success = 'Your gateway is connected and up to date.'; var label_terminate = 'Finish'; var label_system_install_instructions1 = '1. Connect the Ethernet cable to the LAN port of the Gateway and your Internet router.'; var label_system_install_instructions2 = '2. Power up the gateway.'; var label_system_install_instructions3 = '3. Press the restart button.'; var label_system_install_instructions4 = '4. Once the gateway is connected, the connection LED will be steady green.'; var label_system_install_instructions5 = '5. Attention! When you see the orange LED is blinking, DO NOT unplug the power because it will damage your gateway. The process will take around 10-20 minutes depends on the Internet environment.'; var label_system_test_again = 'Test again'; var label_system_update = 'System upgrade'; var label_update_intro = 'Your gateway will now be upgraded to latest firmware version.'; var label_update_intro2 = 'The upgrade process will take about 2 minutes.'; var label_update_warning = 'Warning: During the upgrade process, please keep your gateway power connected and online !'; var label_update_button = 'Start upgrade'; var label_update_step2 = 'Your gateway is now downloading the new firmware...'; var label_update_step3 = 'Your gateway is now upgrading the firmware...'; var label_update_step4 = 'Your gateway is now rebooting...'; var label_update_timeout = 'Your gateway is not detected. Please verify its internet connections or press the reset button.'; var label_skip_step = 'Skip this step'; var label_select_operator = 'Select operator'; var label_newaccount_select_country = 'Select Country'; var label_newaccount_country = 'Confirm your country : '; var label_newaccount_login = 'Enter your Email address'; var label_newaccount_password = 'Choose a password : '; var label_newaccount_confirm_password = 'Confirm your password : '; var label_newaccount_username = 'Modify your username (your email address) : '; var label_newaccount_email = 'Email : '; var label_newaccount_firstName = 'First Name : '; var label_newaccount_lastName = 'Last Name : '; var label_newaccount_mobilePhone = 'Mobile Phone : '; var label_newaccount_landLine = 'Landline : '; var label_newaccount_prefLang = 'Preferred Language : '; var label_newaccount_voucher = 'Voucher number : '; var label_newaccount_name_title = 'Title : '; var label_newaccount_check_voucher = 'Check voucher'; var label_newaccount_change_voucher = 'Modify voucher'; var label_newaccount_join_homesys = 'Confirm voucher'; var label_newaccount_step2_information = ''; var label_newaccount_step3_information = 'Please enter the voucher code that comes with your package.'; var label_newaccount_step4_information = 'Your voucher is valid for this plan : '; var label_devices = 'Devices'; var label_temperature = 'Temperature sensor'; var label_humidity = 'Humidity'; var label_gauge = 'Gauge'; var label_avg_temp = 'Average Temperature'; var label_max_temp = 'Max Temperature'; var label_min_temp = 'Min Temperature'; var label_avg_hum = 'Average humidity'; var label_max_hum = 'Max humidity'; var label_min_hum = 'Min humidity'; var label_avg_gauge = 'Average gauge'; var label_max_gauge = 'Max gauge'; var label_min_gauge = 'Min gauge'; var label_avg_consumption = 'Average consumption'; var label_max_consumption = 'Max consumption'; var label_min_consumption = 'Min consumption'; var label_comfort = 'Comfort'; var label_comfort_no_stat_available = 'No statistic available for this period of time.'; var label_comfort_all = 'All'; var label_comfort_next = 'Next'; var label_comfort_prev = 'Previous'; var label_comfort_month = 'Month'; var label_comfort_week = 'Week'; var label_comfort_next_week = 'Next week'; var label_comfort_prev_week = 'Previous week'; var label_comfort_day = 'Day'; var label_comfort_zoom_in = 'Zoom in'; var label_comfort_zoom_out = 'Zoom Out'; var label_select_change_comfort_stat = 'Switch'; var label_statistics = 'Statistics'; var label_walt = 'Walt'; var label_no_logs = 'No Logs'; var label_remote_controller = 'Remote Controller'; var label_edit_remote_controller = 'Edit Remote Controller'; var label_play_remote_controller = 'Play Remote Controller'; var label_select_remote_controller = 'Select Remote Controller'; var label_scenes = 'Scenes '; var label_add_scene = 'Add a scene'; var label_create_scene = 'Create a new scene'; var label_automation_scene_days = 'Monday to Friday '; var label_automation_scene_weekend = 'Weekend '; var label_automation_scene_weeks = 'All days '; var label_automation_scene_su = 'Sun'; var label_automation_scene_mo = 'Mon'; var label_automation_scene_tu = 'Tue'; var label_automation_scene_we = 'Wed'; var label_automation_scene_th = 'Thu'; var label_automation_scene_fr = 'Fri'; var label_automation_scene_sa = 'Sat'; var label_automation_scene_action = 'Scenario actions'; var label_automation_scene_ready_action = 'Available actions'; var label_scene_no_action = 'No actions'; var label_scene_no_event = 'No events'; var label_automation_scene_event = 'Linked Event'; var label_automation_scene_ready_event = 'Avaible Event'; var label_condition_day = 'Day'; var label_condition_night = 'Night'; var label_condition_arm = 'System is armed'; var label_condition_disarm = 'System is disarmed'; var label_condition_partarm1 = 'Partial arm 1 is activated'; var label_condition_partarm2 = 'Partial arm 2 is activated'; var label_automation_popup_scene_day = 'Day'; var label_automation_popup_scene_night = 'Night'; var label_automation_popup_scene_alarm_state = 'Alarm State'; var label_automation_popup_scene_days = 'Days'; var label_automation_popup_scene_action = 'Actions'; var label_automation_popup_scene_event = 'Events'; var label_automation_popup_scene_condition = 'Conditions'; var label_scene_help1 = 'When an event occurs, the scenario will be played if : '; var label_scene_help2 = 'The scenario will play automatically when the following events occur : '; var label_scene_help3 = 'The scenario will play the following actions : '; var label_scene_help_add_action = 'Please click on an available action to add it to the list.'; var label_scene_help_add_event = 'Please click on an available scene to add it to the list.'; var label_automation_popup_scene_action_on = 'On'; var label_automation_popup_scene_action_off = 'Off'; var label_automation_popup_scene_action_switch = 'Switch Power'; var label_automation_popup_scene_action_level = 'level'; var label_automation_popup_scene_action_hswitch = 'switch'; var label_automation_popup_scene_action_ton = 'Turn on for'; var label_automation_popup_scene_action_tilt = 'Tilt'; var label_automation_popup_scene_action_snd = 'Send password to'; var label_automation_popup_scene_action_all_plug_dimmer_led = 'All the Plugs, Dimmers and LEDs'; var label_automation_popup_scene_action_arm = 'System is armed'; var label_automation_popup_scene_action_disarm = 'System is disarmed'; var label_automation_popup_scene_action_parm1 = 'System is partial arm1'; var label_automation_popup_scene_action_parm2 = 'System is partial arm2'; var label_automation_popup_scene_action_lock = 'Door is locked'; var label_automation_popup_scene_action_unlock = 'Door is unlockd'; var label_automation_scene_avaibleEvent = 'Available scenarios: '; var label_automation_scene_linkedEvent = 'Selected scenarios: '; var label_automation_scene_select_device = 'Select a device '; var label_automation_scene_select_event = 'Select an event '; var label_automation_scene_select_level = 'Select a level '; var label_automation_scene_event_link_button = 'Link this event'; var label_no_scene = 'You don\'t have any automation scenario available. You can now add one.'; var label_no_ir_scene = 'You don\'t have any IR controller scenario available, you can now add one.'; var label_add_new_command = 'Add A new Command.'; var label_add_trv_event_warning_message = 'You can not add a device to the event when you already have TRV in the event list.'; var label_add_trv_action_warning_message1 = 'You can not add TRV to the action when you already have a device in the event list.'; var label_add_trv_action_warning_message2 = 'You can not add TRV to the action when you already have a device in the action list.'; var label_add_trv_action_warning_message3 = 'You can not add a device to the action when you already have TRV in the action list.'; var label_add_heater_event_warning_message = 'You can not add a device to the event when you already have Heater in the event list.'; var label_add_heater_action_warning_message1 = 'You can not add Heater to the action when you already have a device in the event list.'; var label_add_heater_action_warning_message2 = 'You can not add Heater to the action when you already have a device in the action list.'; var label_add_heater_action_warning_message3 = 'You can not add a device to the action when you already have Heater in the action list.'; var label_scene_action_second = 's'; var label_scene_action_min = 'min'; var label_scene_action_hour = 'h'; var label_eco_mode_temperature = 'ECO mode temperature'; var label_comfort_mode_temperature = 'Comfort mode temperature'; var label_open_window_detection = 'Open window detection'; var label_key_lock = 'Key lock'; var label_temperature_of_today = 'Temperature of Today'; var label_temperature_c = 'Temperature sensor'; var label_temperature_of_last_12hours = 'Temperature of Last 12 Hours'; var label_temperature_of_last_7days = 'Temperature of Last 7 Days'; var label_temperature_of_last_30days = 'Temperature of Last 30 Days'; var label_last_12hours = 'Last 12 Hours'; var label_last_7days = 'Last 7 Days'; var label_last_30days = 'Last 30 Days'; var label_browser_does_not_support_live_view = 'Your current browser does not support live view for lVR.
Use Mozilla Firefox to access IVR live view.
Alternatively, view it on your mobile APP.'; var label_category_alarm = 'Alarm'; var label_category_prealarm = 'Pre-alarm'; var label_category_home_automation = 'Home Automation'; var label_category_video_surveillance = 'Video Surveillance';